My Story…. the journey to Belfast Bound!

My journey into bookbinding started way back in 2012 and, geek that I am, came from Doctor Who! The character River Song had a Tardis journal, which I wanted! I saw some on sale online but they were pretty pricey so I decided to make my own! After a good bit of online research, the purchase of a couple of manuals and practice with old documents the book was done. It looked great, but lacked a little in functionality. However the bookbinding bug had set in.

Hand bound Doctor Who River Song fan notebook

I built my own presses with salvaged wood but struggled with trimming the edges of hand cut paper straight, I needed a press and plough. The plough I bought and made a larger press. But I won’t pretend to have 10 years of experience in bookbinding!

bookbinding press and plough

In 2013 I upped sticks and moved to London. It simply wasn’t possible to continue my bookbinding hobby with a big city lifestyle. Just before covid I suffered a mental health crisis and was unable to work. As I recovered my mind kept drifting back to my old bookbinding hobby as I had found the process therapeutic and fulfilling.

I signed up for a course at the City Literary Institute in Central London. Here I had the privilege of being taught by world renowned bookbinders with bucket loads of experience. Classes continued via zoom during lockdown. I also started an Etsy shop and blog called ‘Stowbound’ as I was living in Walthamstow (of E17 ‘90s boy band acclaim).

However I was struggling with a relationship breakdown and my mental health continued to waiver. I was still based in London but, after spending Christmas 2021 ‘back home’ at my parents I started to question what I wanted. So had the choice of struggling on in London, where I could take the more advanced classes, or coming back to Northern Ireland permanently and find my own way of learning at my own pace.

handbound marbled paper notebooks
bookbinding handbound fabric notebooks
bookbinding link stich sewing
bookbinding casing in text block

I chose the latter. I’m so glad I did as it meant I could spend more time with my dad before he suddenly passed away last summer.

I have now had my precious presses, materials and other tools brought over from London and have decked out ‘The Bindery’. I am now able to bind books from start to finish. I now have my own shop and bindery based in the Blackstaff Mill off the Springfield Road.

Belfast Bound has arrived!