
One problem with finding paper for bookbinding is that the grain direction needs to be the same direction as your spine. So for an A5 book I need short grain A4 paper, however almost all A4 paper is long grain and so only good for A6 books.

bookbinding importance of grain direction

I have found long grain A3 paper which I can cut into short grain A4 sheets. I use 130gsm studio white cartridge paper and 130gsm flat white cartridge paper (50% from recycled coffee cups). I also have some 80gsm paper for simpler books

bookbinding Short grain paper for A5 books

Covering Materials

Book cloth and buckram are pieces of backed or treated fabric that can be used straight out of the bag to cover books, they are mostly a plain block colour.

bookbinding bookcloth and buckram

I also buy patterned fabric which then needs to be either backed with paper or treated with a mixture of paste and acrylic medium. I started out using the first method, but now prefer the second as it gives the fabric more protection from the elements.

bookbinding fabric into bookcloth

Decorative Papers

I usually use my own hand marbled papers, or hand painted ‘paste papers’- for which a mixture of paste and acrylic paint is applied and scraped off the page to give different patterns and effects. This technique goes back to the medieval period.

Paper marbling is a lot of fun but can be quite complex. I mix a tray of carageenan ‘size’ which is a thickened water; and float ink on the top, manipulating it into patterns using combs and chopsticks! Carrageenan is powdered Irish moss, a type of seaweed which starts to smell after a few days so I try to do as much at once as I can! I rarely waste pages, if something goes wrong or I don’t like it when its dry I normally go over it again!

I do use some decorative papers that I have bought, but I find it more fulfilling to use my own. I have several sets of vintage comic book prints that I use and have also started using the pages of old books as covers.

bookbinding paper marbling hand marbled papers
bookbinding covers Cambridge imprint  dictionary of quotations
bookbinding hand painted paste papers
bookbinding vintage comic covers for handmade books


I use waxed linen thread for most of my books, except for the coptic bindings. For these I use waxed embroidery thread, the coloured, thicker thread is on display which is part of the appeal of these books.

I have bookbinding needles which are a bit longer and thicker than other ones, I use curved needs for coptic binding and an awl for punching holes. Many bookbinders use punching cradles to make their sewing holes but I just make a guide for each type of book and push the needle through into a bit of cloth.

bookbinding threads irish linen barbour mills
bookbinding beeswax and needles