The intermission is over… please return to your bookbinding.
You’d be forgiven for thinking that Belfast Bound had succumbed to a fatal illness as its been fairly inactive since March. So after 6 months of radio silence, Belfast Bound is finally back!
I started taking baby steps back into bookbinding about 3 weeks ago and now am all lined up for a stall at the Common Market this Sunday (Dunbar Street, Belfast).
The truth of the matter is that I’ve been on a mental and emotional whirly-go-round since April. I went to some truly fantastic, once in a lifetime events which had me on such as high that the low spiralled into a deep pit of mind demons. I always try to be open about my mental health, or health, as it should be referred to. You wouldn’t try to hide a broken arm so fight the stigma! I had plenty of help to get better for an Arctic cruise with my mum in June. The ship was the height of luxury and being the youngest passenger on board by a decade or so didn’t faze me. I took 4000 photos which I’ve still to sift through.
Iceberg Ho!!!
Late July marked one year since my father passed away, as well as my mum’s 70th birthday. Dad was truly remarkable man, the most intelligent person I’ve ever known with a great sense of humour and a genuine kindness and generosity of spirit. His loss is felt every day, but ‘the boy done good’. Mum’s been a great stalwart and a good sport as I slowly take over the house! I’ll be continuing to live with her until my London flat sells.
So that’s me and why I’ve been a bookbinder in absentia for the past 6 months. I’ll be working overtime for the next 4 months to catch up and prepare for Christmas Markets – I know it’s August, but I’ve a load of books to make and some exciting new designs…. Watch this space!!